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HRMS Beta Club

Harris Road Middle School: Junior National Beta Club


Beta Club Logo


Ms. Caitlin Broome-  Lead Sponsor: Nationals contact personnel, Service Event Planner


Ms. Tammy Johnson- Beta Website


Ms. Abby Meskill- Service Hours


Ms. Tanya Pelfrey- Beta Convention



Power of Beta Image










Defining what it means to be a Beta Member...



The membership of this organization will be made up among students in seventh and eighth grades at Harris Road Middle School who, because of their credible achievement, worthy character, and commendable attitude, have been approved for membership by the principal and the National Junior Beta Sponsors of Harris Road Middle School; provided, of course, that these students meet the requirements as set forth in the bylaws of this organization. Qualifications, “Membership is a privilege and not a right.  The qualifications for membership on the part of the student shall be:  (a) worthy, moral and ethical character, (b) good mentality, (c) creditable achievement, and (d) commendable attitude.  The standards and means for appraising these qualities shall be determined by the administration and sponsors of the school where the chapter is located. . .”



Beta Information



Beta Club is a national organization that promotes the ideals of academic achievement, character, leadership, and community service. Students are required to  independently earn service hours outside of school hours and must maintain high academic and behavioral standards.  Applications are only accepted in the SPRING of each school year. More information will be available at that time.  



Standards of Membership

Standards of membership in the Harris Road Middle School National Junior Beta club must conform to the general features as laid down in the National Constitution, and in all cases must be approved by the principal of the school.


The grade levels from which members may be drawn are seventh and eighth grade students at Harris Road Middle School.


All students must be performing at or above grade level in order to be eligible for membership. The academic requirements for membership in the National Junior Beta club is to maintain an A/B average in all classes (academic and encore).


The service requirements for membership in the National Junior Beta club are twelve hours per year. (Inside and outside of the club)


The character and behavioral requirements for membership in the National Junior Beta club are to be (a) worthy, moral and ethical character, (b) good mentality, (c) creditable achievement, and (d) commendable attitude.



Loss of Membership



A member of this National Beta Junior Beta club may be put on probation or dropped from membership for the following reasons;


• If he/she is absent without a justifiable reason from more than one regular club meeting per semester.


• If his/her academic record falls below A’s and B’s in all academic classes.


• If he/she fails to attain at least twelve service hours without a justifiable reason.


• Any Beta Club member who participates in a Honor Code Violation (Cheating) in any way will have his/her membership terminated. Honor Code Violation (Cheating) includes the following: unauthorized group work or sharing of work; communication or talking during a test or quiz; copying during a test or quiz; using unauthorized notes or resources; copying of homework, projects, etc.; using or giving a copy or information about a test or quiz; plagiarism; lying or deceit; and forgery of signature or pass.


• If his/her character and behavior record falls below the standards set forth by the National Junior Beta Club creed. Be a model student. Any major disciplinary step (ISS, OSS)  means automatic dismissal. Any disciplinary step that leads to Wednesday School or Lunch Detention will lead to club probation. Sponsors will reach out to any student who is not upholding the club's core principles. Any student who receives more than three minors or an office referral that does not lead to In School Suspension or Out of School Suspension may be placed on probation and will be expected to serve extra service hours during this time. This may also impact the ability to run for officer the following year.  Always uphold the club's core principles. 


If and when a member is put on probation, they have the opportunity to be added back on the active school roster. If and when a member is dropped from membership, a record of this action shall be relayed to the National Office of National Junior Beta immediately.



Service Hour Report Form

HRMS Beta Website 


To access “Member resources,” password is: mybetas



Beta Announcements

A huge thank you to our three guest speakers for taking time out of their busy schedules to share their insights on what it means to be a leader within their profession. We discussed leadership qualities, opportunities, and a look into different professions. Mr. Bookhart will be joining us at our next Beta meeting to share what leadership means within the school.

Speakers included:

  • Megan Baumgardner: Attorney
  • Chris Johnson: Division General Manager for Charlotte Prime Restaurant Group
  • Joesph Lambe: Retired Educator






Beta Club Photo





Beta Club Photo





Beta Club Photo





Beta Club Photo



HRMS Beta: Leadership Summit



HRMS Beta will be offering an optional leadership summit. Members are not required to attend unless they plan to run for an officer position. Any student interested in running for President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Reporter must attend the leadership session.


In this session, we will have several guest speakers from the community that will be sharing the importance of leadership within their professions or community. 


Students Will:


  • Identify personal behaviors and personality styles


  • Commit to identifying core ethical and personal values, and commit to act on them


  • Develop relationships where the dignity and contributions of all people are respected


  • Develop skills to be able to successfully work in groups and teams to accomplish a collective goal


  • Connect with like-minded individuals in order to promote the ideals of National Beta


  • Increase their capability to achieve goals


The HRMS Beta Leadership Summit will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd at 8 am in the Cafeteria. Please be prepared and ready to begin at 8am.

**Parents may begin dropping members off at 7:45 am at the Cafeteria doors.**